Tuesday, February 14, 2006

i love this picture...

ferris and brian watching Meet the Press on Sunday morning.

first foods...before we know it he'll be off to college.

okay friends and family, this video is for you....no, this *experience* is for you. our very own low budget form of imax. you'll feel like you are right there with us as ferris takes his first spoonful of food!

what the!...heyyyyyy, this stuff is goo-ood.

the only problem i've noticed so far is that ferris doesn't seem to think i can refill the spoon with acceptable diligence. huh, no patience. i wonder where he gets that from?

the other big news....this one has me giddy. ferris no longer screams when we put him to bed!!! no words can really express the sheer floaty joy i feel being able to lay him down at night not dreading the screamfest that usually follows. i don't know what the faeries have been whispering to him, but i owe them a sugarcube or whatever it is that faeries like. or maybe it wasn't the faeries.... maybe ferris has experienced some sort of "baptism by fire" and achieved inner zen through prolonged screaming and unrest. oh, and in case you were thinking that the food may be the source of newfound zen at night...the zen came first.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

progress in full body realization and other adventures

ferris is moving forward in his quest for full body realization. not only does he know that he has two hands, but he can actually reach for and hold objects now. he is also very aware of feet and legs. he kick, kick, kicks them all over the place. he can scoot around on his back by wildly kicking his legs around. he loves to stand. i think if fatigue didn't get in the way he would just stand all day long. ferris is also making progress with rolling over. he can do it, just not all the time. it's still somewhat of a happy accident. he has, however, discovered that his head is a powerful tool of momentum. he throws it to one side and lets its weight pull the rest of his body over. clever boy. it's hard to believe that once upon a time we were all able to impress those around us with these pure and simple accomplishments. how wonderful.

it has been a wild few weeks for the young lad. his granddad, my dad, came up for a weekend visit and our friend mike was here at the same time with his lovely lady friend, sara. once again brian and i were able to go out to dinner sans diaper bag and hip accessory.
it's always great to have visitors. always a bit sad when they leave.

ferris also went on his first adventure to the big city! it sounds very silly, but i'd never felt twinges of heartache and longing for an actual place before we moved away from brooklyn. people, yes, but the location itself, no. i love our life here in massachusetts, but i will always consider brooklyn as one of the loves in my life. i hope over the years we will be able to expose ferris to all of the incredible adventures to be had in brooklyn and nyc... and all you really need is your two feet and a metro pass. even walking to your destination is its own adventure.
it was ridiculously wonderful to see everyone there. ferris has so many rad "aunts" and "uncles" there, many that he'd never even met until this past weekend. we celebrated "uncle" erik's and daddy brian's birthdays with a kegger. i can't tell you how long it has been since brian and i attended a kegger. perhaps it was our wedding. ferris had a blast and was surprisingly serene being passed from person to person to person.
we had the opportunity to eat at a couple of our old favorites, noting that you get better service when you bring a baby. ferris even stopped for a pint at a bar to visit the bartender, his "uncle" tim. we hit the bar just as it was opening...no noise...no people...no i.d. required for underage little boys. tim had to cut ferris off after only half a pint... ferris was slurring his words pretty badly. (kidding, totally kidding)

here are some pics. and somewhere below should be a link to video of the kiddo attemptng to roll over. enjoy.

so close! alas, he is defeated.